Thursday, May 21, 2009

Misuse of Pharmaceutical Drugs ???

Typically when Ria took her 7-year-old daughter to a doctor to check on her fever and sore throat, and was prescribed seven drugs, including antibiotics and medicine to prevent febrile seizures.
As experts would say it as another classic, but only too common, case of over-medication, or prescribing drugs patients do not need. Here, the antibiotic was unnecessary, as was the drug to prevent fever-related seizures as the child had no history of such attacks.
Experts warn that driven by profits from selling medicine, many doctors overprescribe medicines, a practice which will be disastrous in the longer term.
Polypharmacy (overmedication) means use of lot of medicines which are unnecessary, like prescribinh many types of antibiotics for a cold.The consumption of multiple drugs triggers drug reaction and unpredictable side effects. Worse, it gives rise to bacterial resistance.
The most recent example of growing resistance involves the drug oseltamivir(Tamiflu), which researchers in the United States found was now ineffective against 98 percent of the H1N1 seasonal human influenza virus strains. (Swine flu and bird flu)
Apart from eventually reducing the effectiveness of drugs, exposing bacteria and viruses to drugs unnecessarily also has other serious consequences.
A general observation is that most parents rush to treat symptoms, not the disease. Doctors may feel pressure to give treatments, even when it is not necessary or in the best interests of the child's health.
It's upto to us to know understand and adopt to the human body needs and support it to build resistances to various microbiotic organisms. Its important to enable such a strenghtning process within out system by means of adopting a few lifestyle changes and taking a positive approach towards moving away from Allopathic treatments which are primarily based on chemical compounds which act on inhibitting the symptoms/giving relief or directly act on behalf of the human immune system to tackle infections.
A traditional form of treatment is a stream called Naturopathy which revolutionary to the contemporary medicine (Allopathy and Homeopathy) and also slightly unadvanced compared to ancient medicines (Ayurvedic, Unani, Accupuncture). The main focus of this form of treatment is more preventive and comprehensive than reactive treatments.

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