Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Paleo Vegetarian: Valeo

The principles of paleo

Paleo diet, is based on the presumed dietary habits of caveman. In other words, hunter or gatherer lifestyle who is opportunistic and will eat everything when they find something, while living in harsh and very physically demanding conditions.
The diet completely eliminates dairy and grains, however retains meat. Further, there’s no starchy foods, no alcohol, no sugars (except those found naturally in fruit), and no convenience foods of any sort. For a Pagen or Valeo diet I would be required to eliminate animal and their by-products from the diet.
Being a vegetarian (eating eggs and dairy) for over 18 years, and going Vegan and grain-free is a big challenge. The biggest fear is where am I going to get my proteins. I was able to manage protein intake by regular inclusion of Whey Protein, Plant Protein shakes along with eggs. So I am a lot apprehensive
There were so few resources on paleo for vegetarians. Flustered, I began to wonder if I had met my match in this challenge. I was also doing MMA style cardio workouts 45 minutes. 6 days a week
Here is how I managed it.
1 Gallon Water
½ Glass of Warm water with Honey & lime
½ Glass of Water with Apple cider Vinegar

Mid Morning:
Vegetable smoothie with Raw Protein powder and herbs
I cup of sprouted mung bean
4 Dates
6 Soaked Almonds
6 Soaked Walnut Halves
6 Soaked Cashews
6 Soaked Pistachios

Green Salad, with carrots, cherry tomato with Goji Berries and Raspberry with dressing
Boiled Potatoes, Broccoli, Carrots

Post Lunch Snack:
Black Tea
4 Dates
1 scoop of shredded coconut

Any cooked vegetable
Odd Sweet Potatoes chips or Vegetable chips
2 Fruits bowls: Blueberries, Strawberries, Grapes, and Citrus Fruits
And sometimes one Rice Dosa / Pancake/Clatite

The start … 

The first week of the diet was a major adjustment period. In all my time as a vegetarian, I’ve never felt restricted. But adding paleo meant learning to live without grains, dairy, and convenience foods. Suddenly, food felt incredibly constricting.
With the drop in carbohydrate intake, the body learns to burn fat instead of sugar. It’s actually a great thing, since it allows for a body to use fat for fuel instead of relying on glycogen reserves, which are easily depleted.
For the first week of the diet, I had to deal with fatigue, incoherent thoughts, and was going easy during my workouts. This fatigue wasn’t as bad as compared to the withdrawal symptoms I had when I gave up rice from the evening meal. This was something I could bear and deal with it. It’s just that I felt hungry and stomach growled every few hours.  And then, on the fourth day, I woke up and felt good, never to look back.

The weeks after….

With passage of time and almost non-existent fatigue, I realized something surprising:
This isn’t so hard after all.
Yes, there is an adjustment to learn how to get enough protein without my regular sources. I was certain that I would miss the home made rice based foods or Roti’s or my favorite beans, but as it turns out, I could be just as satisfied without them. The dates, coconut, smoothies, and fruit salads, gave me cleaner energy than the grain-based foods.
Overall, though, my consumption was healthier than it was previously. Aside from the sporadic indiscretions, it was a completely clean diet. I thought I did a pretty good job of eating healthy before, but taking away convenience foods forced me to eat more fruit in the morning, or to snack on vegetables instead of a Luna bar.

The surprising results (19 pounds!?)

I had started this diet for more of a spiritual reason. Being on a Satvik diet helps us being more connected to self, be more aware of self and also be sensitive to our senses, which all help us in the spiritual growth.
I did lose weight, though. Nineteen pounds, to be exact. In 8 weeks My body fat percentage also dropped from 29.5 to 24.9 percent. Neither did I get the six-pack abs.
Vegetarian paleo is still a lot of work. There’s so much planning involved, and my spouse helps me out on this so I have little to worry.

Wait (40 pounds in 35 weeks!?)

I continued my diet as a full-fledged lifestyle. Been occasionally been breaking when I was on vacation. I broke the diet for 2-3 weeks while on vacation. At that point I was eating eggs, grains and sweet or desert here and there. However during the vacation the body took that time to recoup and come out of the shock of workouts and low caloric food. When I restarted my schedule of workouts and diet things continued to improve from where I left. I don’t think there were really any weight loss plateaus that I had. However I would be low winded for activities which require lot of energy like lifting weights, playing etc.
Even after coming down to near 160 lbs from 205 lbs I still have some fab, the stubborn muffin top and chest fat persists. May be getting down to 150 lbs would cut that fat out, but at that point I am afraid I am going to be terribly skinny. I am now comfortable into getting Size 30 pants and had to redo the entire wardrobe and tailor fit a lot of my shirts.
So the next time someone tells me vegetarians can’t follow a paleo diet, I’ll be quick to share my eight-week experiment and how I maintained the weight.

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