Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Insane with Insanity Max Cardio workouts

What started as scary cautious journey in the last week of February has finally ended in the last week of April. After completion of my 30-week Turbofire journey, I embarked on a much tougher journey of insanity.
Insanity is a home-fitness video program put together by Shaun - Thompson (Shaun T) a trained choregrapher and fitness instructor. His earlier programs including Hip Hop Abs, Rockin Body, Get Real with Shaun T.

Insanity is based on the concept of Maximum interval training / Tabata, where the intervals are typically 3 minutes compared to 30sec of intervals of regular interval training. The program is a 40min duration for the first month and around 60 minutes for the last month.

I was very scared and skeptical of starting this program for its intensity and high-impact workout requiring rigiorous moments and thus risking injuries. Personally, back pain, neck pains and knee pain during the period was surreal. Post workout muscle soreness (POMS) was very high during the initial 2 weeks. I was unable to walk properly for the first two weeks my thighs and especially the calves where aching the entire time; I didn't mind the soreness.

Anyways I made the best of the time, followed a tight diet, I was consuming 200-300 calories more than I was while on Turbofire. At end of turbofire I weighed around 190 lbs (I started at 207 lbs), at the end of insanity I was close to 181 lbs (Loss of 9 lbs at 1lbs per week). The weight loss I feel is a healthy loss, my body fat fell from 26% to 21%, my pant size where definetly shrunk. All my earlier 36" are loose, while at a store the closest fit was 33", bad is I need to buy a whole new wardrobe to accommodate for the shrinkage. But I want to hold on to it so that I can come down further to around 30"-32". I have "Love Handles" or "Muffin Tops" to loose, basically the fat on lower back which look like tires round the stomach.
From what I have been seeing and heard they are hardest to loose. The love handles are still around even after one round of  insanity. May be another 10-15 lbs of weight loss would take it away but it still needs to be done to head towards the ideals I am targeting.
On a side note insanity gave me a lot knee pains. All the plyometrics does have a toll on the joints so maintaining form and having cushioning to minimize impact is important.
After insanity I decided to put an end to all the cardio stress that I have been sustaining and giving my body time to recover and rebuild while I move on to the strength / resistance training. I am currently planning to start with P90x the program of Tony Harton along with Tai Cheng (based on Tai Chi) to aid muscle growth, body alignments.

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