Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Body Types: Ayurvedic Prakruti vs Somatypes

Each of us is born with a genetically determined constitution, or prakruti(nature).
According to Ayurveda two conditions influence the development of the prakruti; the balance between the energies of 
  • Vata(Space/emptiness & Air)
  • Pitta(Fire & Water)
  • Kapha(Water & Earth) 
and the prenatal conditions in the womb. The preponderance of one or another dosha(temperament) in our prakrti establishes our natural body type and determines our strengths and weaknesses.
It is said in Ayurveda that the established body types don't change after birth. Any imbalances in these three energies will destabilise the natural state, leading to bodily ailments.
Somatypes Body Types
In the 1940s, an American Physician Dr. William H. Sheldon introduced the theory of Somatypes by putting together the age-old insights of the relationship between body type and temperament on more secure foundations. His theory described three basic human body types:
  • Endomorph, characterised by a preponderance of bodyfat;
  • Mesomorph, marked by a well-developed musculature;
  • Ectomorph, distinguished by a lack of either much fat or muscle tissue.
He also states that most people were a mixture of these types.


When Vata is out of balance, the metabolism will be disturbed, resulting in excess catabolism, which is the breakdown or deterioration process in the body. When anabolism is greater than catabolism, there is an increased rate of growth and repair of the organs and tissues. Excess Pitta disturbs metabolism, excess Kapha increases the rate of anabolism and excess Vata creates emaciation (catabolism)

Body Types Compared:

1. Endomorph / Large:
A mesomorph has a large bone structure, large muscles and a naturally athletic physique. Mesomorphs are the best body type for bodybuilding. They find it quite easy to gain and lose weight. They are naturally strong which is the perfect platform for building muscle.
 Kapha-Dominant Body

Kapha-dominant individuals have big bodies and big bones, thick hair, strong, big teeth, and large, attractive eyes. They move slowly and gracefully, and exhibit great endurance. They are similarly slow to anger, and their loyalty makes them valued friends. Physically, Kapha-dominant individuals tend toward obesity; mentally, they can be selfish, greedy, and easily offended.

2. Mesomorph / Muscular:

A mesomorph has a large bone structure, large muscles and a naturally athletic physique. Mesomorphs are the best body type for bodybuilding. They find it quite easy to gain and lose weight. They are naturally strong which is the perfect platform for building muscle.
 Pitta-Dominant Body

The Pitta-dominant body type typically manifests itself in a well-proportioned, muscular frame. Pitta-dominant types tend toward lighter, more sensitive skin, often overly sensitive. They are usually active, particularly in sports, where they can be fiercely competitive. They are passionate and dedicated, but can be overly competitive, intolerant, and irritable.

3. Ectomorph / Skinny:
An ectomorph is a typical skinny guy. Ecto’s have a light build with small joints and lean muscle. Usually ectomorph’s have long thin limbs with stringy muscles. Shoulders tend to be thin with little width.
 Vata-dominant Body
Individuals with a Vata-dominant body type tend to be thin and active, but lack the stamina for prolonged activity and therefore often depend on caffeine and sugar for stimulation. The dryness of the Vata constitution and the consequent creakiness of their joints make them seem almost brittle. Restlessness, hyperactivity, curiosity, and creativity mark the Vata-dominant personality, as do rapid, chaotic speech and frequent changes of mind.

Factors influencing the Body Natures / Types

Factors that increase vata (Ecto / Thin)
  • Exposure to cold , no routine in life
  • Eating to much dry, frozen or leftover food, or food with bitter, pungent or astringents taste.
  • Fasting, lots of traveling, too much or inappropriate exercise, suppressing natural urges, abdominal surgery.
Factors that increase pitta (Meso / Muscular)
  • Exposure to heat,
  • Eating lots of proteins (red meat), salt, spicy or sour foods.
  • Indigestion and irregularity of meals. Exercising at midday
  • Useof antibiotic, alchol.
  • Too much intellectual work/thinking. Fatigue.Anger,Hate fear, emotion.

Factors that increase kapha (Endo / Fat)
  • Exposure to cold
  • Eating lots of sugars, meat, fats ,cheese, milk, ice cream, yogurt, fried food, excessive use of salt.
  • Excessive intake of water , taking naps after meals.
  • Sedatives usage.
  • Doubts, greed, and possessiveness. Lack of compasion

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