Friday, January 06, 2012

Health living driven by the 5 Elements

Prelude: "Panchabutala sammohanamee Manava Shareram" - Human body is an manifestation of the five elements. Diseases and ailments are nothing but imbalances in these five elements.
Ok; What are these Five elements(pancha mahabhutas) we are referring to
As per Ayurveda...
  • Akasha (ether/Space)
  • Vayu (air)
  • Teja (fire)
  • Aap (water) 
  • Prithvi (earth)
The five elements can be seen to exist in the material universe at all scales of life and in both organic and inorganic things.
In biological system, such as humans, elements are coded into three forces, which govern all life processes. These three forces (kapha, pitta and vata) are known as the three doshas or simply the tridosha. Each of the doshas is composed of one or two elements.
  • Vata dosha is composed of space and air; It is the impulse principle necessary to mobilize the function of the nervous system. It affects the windy humour, flatulence, gout, rheumatism, etc
  • Pitta dosha of fire; It is the energy principle which uses bile to direct digestion and hence metabolism into the venous system
  • Kapha of water and earth. It is the body fluid principle which relates to mucous, lubrication and the carrier of nutrients into the arterial system..

The tridosha regulates every physiological and psychological process in the living organism. The interplay among them determines the qualities and conditions of the individual. A harmonious state of the three doshas creates balance and health; an imbalance, which might be an excess (vriddhi) or deficiency (kshaya), manifests as a sign or symptom of disease

Incorporating this balance is everyday living serves two purposes; one to stay healthy and two to treat the ailments by correctly identifying and filling in the gaps.

Importance of these 5 elements in daily life.
1. Need of  Akasha (Space) - We need to create space in the body to allow the body to take-in additional quantities of other elements. If there is no space what happens is we can't supply additional nutrients required to it. Body is filled with toxins that the body either slowly succumbs to it or tries to create more space, but creating more cells and trying to adopt. Thus it stores what it can't dispose off. Thus leading to obesity.
2. Need of Prithvi (Earth / Matter) - A human body required sufficient amount of nutrients supplied in form of solid food. The presence of solid earthly food which is nutritious and  high in fiber helps the body in two-fold; It supplies the necessary nutrients and as well as aids in cleaning the system.
3. Need of Agni (Fire / Energy) - A human body being a warm blooded being requires sufficient amount of calories to produce heat and maintain the energy levels. Any lapses in the body temperature means the bodies vital organs will eventually be unsustainable and collapse. Hence body needs sufficient amount of calories and energy to sustain.
4. Need of Aap (Water) - It's ironic that we resemble to mother nature in terms of water composition. Both the human body and mother earth are composed of 70% of water. Water is a vital part of life for any living being. We can sustain life without eating anything for 7-8 weeks, but without hydration the bodies vital organs will shut down within 4 days if not being hydrated. Blood constitutes of 92% water and is the carrier of oxygen and nutrients to the entire body. No wonder water and water borne diseases are the biggest killers.
5. Need of Vayu(Air) - While food and water are quite necessary for a healthy living, if supply of oxygen is cut off the human body wouldn't even last a few minutes. Such is the importance of air and air quality on longevity and health. Intake of fresh and clean air and distancing ourselves from smoking and pollution is perhaps the most important duty we can ever offer to our body.

In a nut shell. It's our duty to create enough space by proper expulsion and accumulation of other four elements. The body should have a continuous energy source  to sustain vital systems, supplied with vital nutrients and oxygen to be carried through the water-based blood though-out the body. Any shortfalls and imbalances would lead to a bodily trigger of readjustments and leading to ailments.


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