Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero

The start of this year has been on back of a very hard realities of life that I came to be face to face with. Rejections, hardships, failures, support or lack of support,expressability or lack of it all and more combined came to my reckoning. Sometimes I imagine how would have life been if I haven't taken those two crucial steps.
1. Breaking
2. Matching up and breaking
Life would surely would have been different; but life is not always un sympathetic, it would have its own share of undoing things. I might have have a different forces to deal with; may be a personal drain of my own efforts to some extent. But see it from a different angle; hadn't I gone through this phase of life ; might be a 8 months of the dynamism; it would have paved way to a much bigger thought process and understanding which dawned on me later on.
I could understand
  • the values and price of people;
  • of whom to trust and whom not to;
  • what looks from outside might not be the best one deserves;
  • one might not always get what he always envisions
  • Things are sometimes to be left in safety of the trusted few.
  • Meaning and real value of love
  • Needs of sustaining relationships
  • Managing expectations and multitasking
  • Fear, failure, narrow mindedness etc.
Most of the cases one actually reaps the harvest of his own deeds; the seeds one has sowed is what he gets at a latter stage. One is what he becomes with natures customisation attached to it for what all action he takes in his course of life. One is to be completely and entirely be responsible for what happens to him. One is really successful if one starts accepting responsibilities and is accountable to what ever has happened in the past and choose to make a balanced and intelligent decision going forward. A person is bound to be less successful if one starts blaming everyone round him for the present state one is in. Things are bound to happen and will happen and one needs to accept and go forward at ones own strength and trust. For on trust I by my experience would say not even to trust thy self; for its a tricky and twisty to rely and trust people. For 'You', your just an another Personality or another person who shares the same thoughts. Less said I would say not to trust the best of friends or life partners too; the amount of trust one has in people might vary but expecting things in complete trust is a biggest mistake one would make in life.
Thinking about the past makes me happy; thinking of recent past makes me sad, thinking about future which is uncertain, unnerves me; But I don't know clinging on to the bygone past and thinking and getting tensed un arrived future why one is torturing his present; making ones past, present and future and tragedy to live and tell. Telling and preaching is easy but listening, understanding, digesting and following mind you is an entirely a different league. Accept the realities of life and get going; this I believe should be the Sutra for life.
Must be wondering why the title "Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero" It's a Latino phrase and means " seize the day and trust as little as possible in the future" for there is a lot to make of this short paced life.

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