Post my two years stint with Genpact and an Year at CTS I was able to observe, analyse and greatly categorise my Bosses and shared bosses I worked for and under. I have learned a lot and how organisation and work environment effect the organisation's professional traits.
Here goes the traits of bosses under different categories.
1.Raging Bull
As the name suggests this type of the boss is full of rage and is extremely tempered and furious with his subordinates on most if not most of the occasions.
Typical Traits
- Takes out anger on others in Public
- Humiliates and dissipates individuals for ill or non-performance in full Public View.
- Controls and rules the team with instilled sense of fear
This kind of boss should give freedom and encourage people to be more open and take feedback. Private counselling instead of public humiliation for his subordinates.
2. Insecure Boss

Typical Traits
- Approval Seeking boss ;Who looks at everyones approval before making a choice
- Dependent on others for decision making
- Suspicious of everyone and everything that goes on due to his insecurity
- Self, keeps thinking of oneself and self needs
Should look at prioritising and system driven approach instead of relying on everyone for inputs.
3.Targets Tyrant
Typical Traits
- Sets unrealistic goals for the team
- Aims at unduly perfectionism from all
- Work Alcholic
- Control freak, believes in having everyone under his vigil.
This kind of a boss should ensure a good work-life balance for everyone while ensuring that everyone is given enough time to unwind at end of the project.
4. Whimp

Typical Traits
- Typically follow the rule by the book
- Play it safe; risk averse attitude ; Lacks Challenge
- Continually shifting personality to suit moods and needs
- Not a go getter and has a potential to miss targets
Be a little more innovative and open to change. Creativity is the key for success in such cases.
5. Mr.Chaotic
Typical Traits
- Lacks direction and focus on his tasks.
- Can't Prioritise work and task allocates neither can delegate effectively
- Unaware on what to do and how to do
- Confused
- Stressful
Should be organised and keep a track of whats happening round him and evaluate current and plan for the future activities you feel like your bosses fall under any of the categories mentioned above. Oh yes the boss personality types is not exhaustive and yes they are well admired and ideal bosses do exist and I never got that feel ever so you could say I am a bit of critic of my bosses and possibly resistant to be bossed around, yeah with some consequences.
To sum up Raging Bull, Target Tyrant category of bosses are typically found in very demanding work environments where one has daily deliverables and KPA/KRAs (Sales teams, Call Centres, BPOs and few IT projects).
Insecure Bosses are typical in a laid back culture organisations.
Whimps are usually found in the Audit and possibly compliance based organisations where the focus is to go by book and creativity is locked.Mr.Chaotics are typical in situations where people have been hastily promoted.
Anyways an organisation should be cognizant of such traits and ensure that work environment and work culture is cultivated in an healthy, supportive and a collaborative fashion.
At a strategic level and a leadership level
- Clear thought process and Vision should be available and be well communicated and emphasised
- The organsation should take stock of the situation and be aware of constantly changing work dynamics
- System Setup - A well setup and organised system and process should be set in place to tackle early warning and grievances.
- Everyone starting from the top should aspire to build and spread a role model behaviour to start off an organisational revolution.
I am quite sure that all the budding managers are open to such realities of professional life and come out successful tackling and succeeding and pick up the best of the things while stepping towards their own Managerial stints.
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