Yes, this is my personal blog / journal where I circumvent my inner feelings from within which I went to let out to an unknown and unavailable friend. Needless content is impulsive, and reflective of my mood swings, completely uncensored. Also included are interesting collectibles which I found interesting to collate for future reference.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Andaman's Trip
Thursday, November 20, 2008
My Exploits in making my Marriage DVD cover
Yeah marriage's done, and got the DVD of the entire marriage ceremony, courtesy the videographer who happily editted added special video graphic editorial effects and delivered. As for a person who believes in making professional looking DVDs and for a person who prides on his DVD collection, its all but sub-standard not to have a professionally done DVD of the most important event of my life. So the process of Do-it-yourself started for me. "The DVD project" as I liked to call started out with simple search on google for ready DVD cover titles. Then searched for DVD art, DVD covers for wedding ceremony. Hardly found any. Then a few samples and research on how to design my on DVD decided to design everything from scratch.
Started with a sample wedding card, and used Photo Shop 7 for the entire design. I also used NERO Cover design and Ashampoo, soon realised that Photoshop 7 is worth a try given the options and features especially that of layers, rendering and shadows. Apart from background rendering and stuff. Though I wasn't using Photoshop for the first time my earlier usage of PS was for purpose of copy pasting photos to a larger A3 size canvas for purpose of printing and nothing more. So I did go through a few hours of help from online material and tutorials helped me ease some.
Before starting some bit of effort also went into editing, indexing the entire set of Photographs which where in different internal dates. Used PICASSA, MS Office's Picture Editor, MS Paint to edit, crop, improve and recrop the pictures. While I used EXIF Date changer to change the time of imprinted digital camera data on the photographs.
I used Nero Cover Designer, Ashampoo Cover Studio, and photo shop 7 for cover design. While Nero was used for layout actual design was done in PS. Ashampoo was useful in making a quick desgin in a rapid time. But for designing the entire cover it took me 3 weeks in all incorporating various fonts, font sizes, patterns, photographs, messages etc. Its only but getting into a very detail that the professional look would come for the dvd.
Then for compressing the DVD I used DVD2one and DVD shrink. I extensively used Nero Vision for making the slideshow and I believe it was various easy and convenient too though it had a ap of 100 snaps one could add more just by adding 2 or 3 more session sets to include all. For making DVD menus I tried DVD Lab pro, it has great features but when it came to final composition it failed so had to switch back to Nero Vision and found it quiet fast and convinent compared to DVD Lab pro.
I am still to solve the compilation/burning a DVD player compliant DVD. I found Nero burnt DVDs hardly played on most of non-divx enabled DVD-players. Tried Cheetah burner, Roxio but to no use.
Above is the final cover and CD for the marriage DVD, In all more than a month of effort over the evening and night time, lots of trial and error combined with tons of googling for patterns and relevant mp3 songs. Am proud of this cover for the effort and interest I put into. I released over a dozen of the prints which had DVD-Video and DVD-Photo 2-in-1 copies to our relatives and friends during the 2nd week of Novemeber though origianlly I intended to do it in the 1st week of October. I guess the wait made the DVD watching expereince a worth while....
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Changing times and sprinting time.

- One really needs to make the maximum use of this live life to fullest.
- Indulge in things what makes one happy the most and makes all around one more happier than before.
- Contribute to the family, society, country and the Earth (being a responsible citizen)
- Peace, harmony, happiness, joy are things to be spread. One needs to be on a constant endeavour for the same.
Friday, November 07, 2008
Love that was and Love that is - The Love Life Cycle
One big thing I realised about being in love is that one needs to know the lifecycle of love. This is comparable to a simple brand / product / service life cycle which almost all the marketing students are aware of(Kotler is what am referring to) Anyways I am listing the same below
- Early/Introduction Stage
- Growth Stage
- Maturity Stage
- Decline Stage
The Early stage is where the hormonal and chemicals of the body take over the conscious. Love is supposed to be blind and people in love are in their elevated senses with one single point of thought and that is about the other partner. Similar to the state where a males of the elephant species are experiencing Musth and female is in estrus. Musth is the time for establishing reproductive hierarchy, which can differ from the usual social hierarchy in that a male in musth outranks nonmusth males. Similarly for humans around the teenages, is the time where they exhibit the maximum of non-compliance, risk and move out from the following the societal norms and feel invincible. If things where to be cut loose, they will surely seek a partner. During this time being with the partner, fighting for one, being possessive is all but natural. Thoughts of life being non-existent if one fails in love, or doesn't find one are very much common, but only baseless. People mostly fail to understand and interpret their true feelings, for compromising to get someone to be with is what is on the highest criteria. The second step is to please the other person, by means of flirty talks, treating, gifting and surprising each other. The risk taking as I said is maximum in the early stage, one might risk ones own health and physical well being and wouldn't mind getting badly injured at this stage. The early stage as I believe should last for 3-6 months by end of which either the relations fail or go to the next stage. They fail for the mere fact that the need to be with other person makes one get into a relationship and more its not planned or thought of affair. This stage is the most exciting, joyful of the periods and could determine the fate of an individual. A strength of person is also determined on how one handles adverse situation here.
The Growth Stage in a relation is the foundation for the base of trust, acceptance, faith and confidence, integrity and intensity are set-up. This stage is beyond surprising, people should understand how one should avoid surprising each others by creating awkward situations. Trust, confidence in each other, faith and belief in each others abilities are slowly established in this stage. One starts to develop respect for each other, by the end of the stage one should be in a position to atleast if know if not accept the other persons short comings. This stage as I suppose usually last 3-6 months.
In Maturity Stage or towards the end of the growth stage occurs a situations where one completely gives in and surrenders their feelings to each other. The amount of confidence and trust in each is so immense that one starts to believe in the other sometimes more than themselves. Unavoidably the expectations from the other also starts growing. It is this stage where almost all the freshness, blossom, Passion of the early days of love are lost, and are taken over by duty, responsibility. Couples who are intelligent enough to take responsibility as an opportunity will succeed in laying up a foundation for a life long relation, other would surely have a rough patch, while few might part ways for the egos come in their ways for a few and others are outwitted by their own expectations not matching up in terms of responsibility shouldering towards mutual and perhaps exclusive needs. I feel there is no timelines that can be humanly set here, for a very opportunistic couple will develop and sustain love even in daily chores and shouldering responsibilities while others might resent the same.
The Decline stage is somewhere when it happens the couple are very preoccupied with so many personal things and are probably bothered about just pleasing self, and are the least interested about their partner. This attention shift from the partner is complete and total, and might no longer seek attention from them as the assumptions on solutions, reactions to the situations is so much known that they can ignore the perspective of their partner and start seeking advice or a perspective of a different person as required. But usually the kind of joy and excitement necessary is completely non-existent among the couple themselves. Sometimes the responsibilities they shouldered till now would have started aching and burdening them that they wish to call an end, but one might still continue to be together as they have no reason to split, and will try to find sollace in probably trying to advice, and guide others from their own experiences.
But as an independent thought to this LLC (Love Life Cycle) there are few thoughts which I would like to share.
1. One if finds true love wouldn't have any expectations from the other, if some kind of expectations are coming up, its for the only reason that one is in a social environment and one needs to be a part of the social fabric that society sets for oneself and expects each other to be and act in a way which they interpret as "acceptable societal norms". Obviously each others understanding, interpretations, perceptions and tolerances towards each other operate at a different frequency so conflicts do happen and expectations are changing, reset continously; sometimes the expectations change at exponential speeds for the same to be kept, met and broken.
2. Love is always not about being together and partying (sleeping included). In today's world, atleast people who are in love expect to do everything to just to reach to that intimate level. This is the biggest mistake people make and its quite evident in a conservative society like ours, where moving around with a girl is a taboo. And for a boy reaching a girl is only got one societably acceptable path and which happened to be love and feeling of love. People needs to understand that being or assuming that liking a person just cause for a sake of moving around together is everything else but love.
3. Intimacy at most of the times kills love, one need to understand that love can blossom and its true colors are fully revealed only by means of distance. Distances between true lovers helps them to understand and treasure each other, mutual respect grows, any false implications in the relations are fast healed. Intimacy creates friction, while distance and slight seclusion eases off that friction.
4. It's not always easy to move on having been in love. Love doesn't give second chance, and never loose what bit you possess with you, for people in love are easily heart broken in slightest provocation and might lead to a permanent loss; which is to be avoided at all lost. Things once out of hand needs drastic and dramatic measures to reposes the same lost Love. But I really doubt if the second innings would be as the same level as earlier.
5. Love is imperishable and a rare good and definitely not a commodity. Its costlier than diamond harder than titanium. Never fiddle around with for if you are you are fiddling around with your peace of mind and happiness.
6. In love one really needs to be hardlined with rest of the world, letting go of the love is as equivalent of letting go of life. If the entire world is against you and you know there is no reason strong enough for them to be against you it's only but stupidity to back of. For a step back is a step of cowardice and for there is no place for cowards in love.
7. Love is irreplaceable and has got no constituents. A replacement by means of getting a new person in place of person who one truly loved is foolishness and is torture for one gets tormented by the thoughts, feelings, comparisons and parallels which arise out of the new situation making one long for the lost love even more than ever. Bottom line get a Taj Mahal built than getting another Anarkali.
My two penance finding true love is hard, if you get one never let go and protect it at all costs. Love is irreplaceable and non-perishable. Never combine love and intimacy of physicality both are completely different and mistakenly assumed to be complimentary if not the same feelings. Respect the person you love more than an one else, if you don't you don't deserve the love.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Mangalyam tantu naanena........
Translated - Oh! The auspicious bride, you live a hundred autumn. I am tieing this thread which is a symbol of my life.
As I tie the Mangalsutra almost an hour past the Muhurthum of 10.35pm on 21st of August 2008, these where the words that kept resounding me for a days till today, as I gather time to put the same on the blog.
My journey towards this day wasn't a smooth sailing at all. Lots of turmoil, confusion, emotions and heartbreaks. As I start my new life trying hard to forget the past, filled of joy, love and passion mixed with tensions, emotional & morale turmoil I lay somewhere in middle, between my past which still casts long shadows and the future which offers now vision on how I can shape it.
Today as I write my blog, I feel terribly lost, and somehow disheartened over the past, for the confusions, hardships I've left behind for a few close people whom I revered for so many years.
The person I called my closest friend since 1999, where we envisioned to be together for rest of life and broke over an year back in 2007 still haunts my memories. Probably this was the reason I was unable to reconcile the fact that I was getting married and even commit just a couple of days for my marriage.
Earlier after having had a dramatically stupid and silly split I went on to get engaged to Shruti, which later broke, and this added fuel to my self discover and greater understanding and mindset towards true feelings and love which I've been running away from for sometime then. Now with the enlightenment I had though I wanted to go back I made my path back treacherous and complicated, which today is now a dead end. I am overwhelmed by everything that has happened to me, don't know what role all these things have had in terms of experience in life, and where will they lead to me in future, and whether I will be a better person or not and how well I can give back to the humanity. I just wish I become man of the people at the earliest and serve and return my debt of my sins and radical thoughts and decision making.
Today I feel having let go of her I let go off all my strength in life, while somehow I feel content for her; as for her I was her only weakness and now she would have let go of all the weakness in her life. I sincerely hope she will emerge braver, more courageous and stronger than ever.
And for my married life I am looking forward for another innings to start, and I sincerely pray for the well-being of everyone associated with me.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Movies of the Month (July 08)

Chandrasekhar aka Chandu (Ram - Devadasu hero), is from a well to-do big joint family, who elopes his cousin on her marriage day to get her married to her lover, and subsequently stays out of the family. He meets Pooja(Genelia) accidently while eloping her from her marriage. Chandu, falls for Pooja and tries to win her confidence over sequence of run and chase sequences unwind. They return back to Chandu's house while Pooja plans to flee to USA, and as fate has it,

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
The Secret of "The Secret"

Several participants from The Secret share their behind-the-scenes stories and insights. Renowned psychologists, scientists and theologians weigh in on the power and limits of positive thinking and the Law of Attraction (the basis behind The Secret). Uncover the scientific and religious roots that form the building blocks of The Secret as experts evaluate the author's claims about the various connections between these principles and 'the Secret'.

Kelly WebLinks:
Personally felt the book by Karen Kelly was trying to balance out a lot things from the Runaway success of The Secret. Tries to do a factual analysis but failed to understand the reason of its existence. For me a best seller are made to be best seller and make money, and perhaps on easy way is to take it on from where one has left and carry on a crusade against it with a big PR campaign, but mind you one needs to have talent for anything. Was a little disheartened to learn that there has a New Thought book named "Art of living" written in 1937 by Norman Vincent Peale , for its the name of organisation which along with million others I respect here in India.
And a few pence from my end is that from our tradition, which speaks of knowledge being shared across with ones who seek it whole heatedly and for a good purpose. In the times of Gurukul, where the Guru's taught their disciples or Sishya's the expectation wasn't much in return nor they usually hide knowledge, yes things were held for sometime till the disciple were capable of handling the knowledge and have mastered the pre-requisites. Guru was supposed to manifestation of energy and energy can't be contained for long and it had to flow seamlessly. The Guru has to facilitate this without expecting anything in return. If this is applicable to the Secret I feel all the right and correct things shouldn't be selfishly sealed in the closet never to be discovered by the next generations. The wisdom of wise has to sustain and support the betterment of the current and future generations and not ever contained to self.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Titanic: Two The Surface
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Whats new ? - My new stint in reading
But for two weeks nothing moved, except for a few spiritual articles from the knowledge tree space of Times of India. That's when I realised that I was talking more of language of wise people. I never realised that I was counselling many and was able to help them be better people, but for myself am unable to look within. I had this desire burning hotter than ever before to be better me as time progressed but fell short I was running short of avenues for the same.
This was until the next weekend when waiting to travel back home say a sign. I was bored got up from my bench where I was sitting waiting for my train to arrive and take me back home. Went to the book counter and started glancing through a few magazines as I picked up one of my regular automobile magazine something pulled me towards a red book called Secret, I opened it to read the intro and thought wow its great book to gift to people who need help. Failing to realise that I needed to read it the most. But didn't purchase as I assumed that I wouldn't be able to complete my books for the fact that my earlier books Freakonomics, and Young managers at Cross roads are still half finished for want of time.
Thought it was end of it, but while I was spending time in Hyderabad, the lazy Sunday evening went to Koti to but a few stuff like umbrella and few household items. That's where the Sunday market of books draw my attention while I was walking back to leave for home. Picked up Chetan Bhagat's new book "Three Mistakes of Life" owing to the fact that I was big critic-cum-fan of his. Thought of buying it but decided against it as my friend had it, so could borrow the same as I did for my first book of Chetan Bhagat's back at campus. Then suddenly a beamer the book "The Secret" started calling me take it, I picked it up paid 70/- for it then walked a little further picked up another book of Paulo Coelho Brida. Actually Brida happened by chance was attracted more by the girl with strapless gown with her back turned. As I read preface wanted to know more about how the lady called Brida achieves her ambition in life to find true love. Thought might assist me on my own way. Bought this for 70/- rupees rushed home and packed myself with these two hidden treasures and boarded the train back home.
Yeah after completing the The Secret and Brida, I bought my third book "The Alchemist" last Sunday and finished with that too. I wanted to read so much of this book as I liked the way Coelho approached mysticism, and kind of magic he was able to weave in Brida. And more so The Alchemist was his best seller, and I thought there got to be something in it for the distinction.
The first two books, The Secret and Brida took me two weeks to complete just reading over the journey times, it created in me a desire which laid buried for long, to know and experiment.
The first book I started reading was the secret, I started it in the train itself, read it for an hour before sleeping over to continue over the next weeks while I kept travelling to and back from office. Yeah my non-driving and time during the journey helped a lot. These helped me in way to realise my true potential and to start looking out for things and converting things to success. Lots of positive thoughts and lots of self discovery in the running. Felt a lot of emotional narrowness in thoughts and perspective on various human emotions which stands to be interpreted in my words in the self journey of discovery, realisation and experimentation, which I feel I will be blogging over a course of period. For now its a new start, a new beginning and I am confining it to it and bit of the reviews of now my favourites ongoing reads.
The Secret, was created by Australian Rhonda Byrne, and she says that if you follow its philosophy, you can create the life you want—whether that means getting out of debt, finding a more fulfilling job or even falling in love.

One might be surprised that by the parallel that can be drawn, in the Farah Khan 2007's flick "Om Shanti Om", where atleast 3 times in this movie he recites this dialogue - The Secret - "Agar kisi cheez ko dil se chaaho to poori Qaynath use tumse milane ki koshish main lag jaati hai" - translated "If someone wholeheartedly wishes for a something, the entire universe Conspires to get it it to you" Truly amazing scripting which sums up the whole Secret in a one liner.
Brida is story of a young Irish girl, and her quest for

Brida happens to be the 5th book of Coelho released in 1990. This was initially the best seller during its release but was taken over by the Alchemist.
"The Alchemist" is about a young traveler named Santiago

Coelho published The Alchemist in 1987 and was his 4th book, which is based on Jorge Luis Borges "Tale of Two Dreamers", which in turn was based on a tale from The Book of One Thousand and One Nights. The sales of this book where so low that it convinced his first publisher to drop the novel, but it went on to become one of the best-selling Brazilian books of all time. with more than 65 million copies worldwide and has been translated into some 56 languages.
Notable Quotes
“In love lies the seed of our growth. The more we love, the closer we are to the spiritual experience.”
“There are no risks in love, as you'll find out for yourself. People have been searching for and finding each other for thousands of years.”
“Magical places are always beautiful and observe to be contemplated. Waterfalls, mountains and forests are all places where the spirits of Earth tend to play and laugh and speak to us.”
“Ever since the time began, people have recognized their true love by the light in their eyes.”
“Do not try to explain feelings. Live everything intensely and treasure what you feel as a gift from God.”
The Alchemist
“When you want something the whole Universe conspires to help you realise your desire.”
“Always follow the signs, and above all, don't forget to follow your personal legend to the end.”
“A search always starts with Beginner's luck and ends with the test of conqueror.”
“Never try to explain why you are in love...for its enough to let the other know you are in love”
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Oscillatory effect of Life
Yes it took me a while to realise this, and in coherence I also came to realise a few more things like the Oscillatory effect or ripple effect of emotions, feelings one possesses. Each one of us in our daily lives were atleast at some point of time cautioned to be moderated about life and circumstances, for no one turns when a situation which is in a very smooth flow, would take a u-turn to hit one very badly at the least expected of situations. The things like love, friendship, success, fame, prestige everything from positive to negatives like constant failure, health, misery etc.
From mt personal experience I would try to take out an example of love. I know of people and that includes me having been in deep love, where nothing in the world ever felt more important than spending, sharing every moment of time with that right person. One would invest time, emotions and heart in such a relation, things seem perfectly well even though the world round you is severely impaired against the relation but you care not. For such is the strength of love; But suddenly things take a u-turn the same person you got to trust for years, the same person you put faith stops responding and becomes yours most dreaded enemy. Situation is worse the person whom you trust, the person who probably knows more about me than myself is probably pitted against me. Its the worst of all adversary one could ever experience in life, for the onslaught to follow is relentless and bloody.
Another instances we kind of tend to attract all the negative energies/attitude which we force out or think out about others or curse them. Its like a swing or a Boomerang which you throw at some one else which comes and hits you back at a later period. What goes around comes around type. So sincerely feel that bad things are never to be hurled at others for it brings so much of negative energy which builds that once it erupts it will hit us properly in a negative intent,
Here is small classical example of a Oscillatory effect of life, which in an instance undoes everything what one came to believe and trust in life. Like a pendulum swinging continuously, the more momentum it gathers, the greater the extreme it reaches, once it reaches the extreme where the pendulum is unable to sustain the momentum, the pendulum arm gives up the progressive motion and starts a free fall reaching the midpoint to again rise with the adapted momentum, to repeat the process. The clock ticks and life goes on, but the caution everyone needs to take from such a simple observation is one should not get struck to what has happened for things will turn around; but how soon or late is upto oneself to decide the same. The sooner the person realises that things are temporary and will settle down, the faster the recovery and faster the chance of success, for a person always need to accept, adapt and keep growing from his experiences and leanings and that's the way life progresses. Gautam Buddha in his teachings asks us practice moderation, to be content with whatever we have and never keep complaining. Basically what he is trying to drive is to contain ones desires and expectations so as not to be just swinging and oscillating with the Pendulum of life.
Another example from my economic classes is of "Law of Diminishing Utility" As supply of a particular in demand product is kept increasing after reaching the limit, the additional supply would start taking a toll interm of cutting down the satisfaction levels.
With numerous examples from real life to theories, to religion, its for each and every person to open up the eyes and start watching things around us with a different and selfless perspective. For wisdom is always driven from simple things of life, where the pages are written from things which unfold before us. And for people who are on a low, wait for the swing to take you back to other extreme and as time progresses one should aim for moderation and self content to attain happiness and fulfillment from life.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Espresso, Latte and Cappuccino Whats your flavour today

Cappuccino: Espresso with some milk and a lot of milk foam, sometimes with cinnamon or cocoa powder sprinkled on top
Latte: Espresso with a lot of milk in it
Mocha: Latte with chocolate and (often) whipped cream on top
Americano: Espresso shot with enough hot water to fill the cup
Macchiato: Espresso shot with a small amount of frothed milk
Cappuccino –
16 oz – 15 grams carb, 100-180 calories (more for half and half)
Latte –
16 oz – 21 grams carb, 160-260 calories
Mocha –
16 oz - 33-42 grams carb, 210-433 calories
Friday, June 13, 2008
Indian Food Etiquette
Tied Fig leaves, lotus or a complete banana leaves are all part of a traditional set of serving. Yeah all these are bio-degradable alternatives compared to today's aluminium, paper, thermochol disposables. Eating the various condiments like sambhar, rasam, dal with Veggie fries while being served in leaves, sitting on the floor and consuming without spilling and without slurping is challenge in itself for many who are new to this way and which people like me are proud to have accomplished this feat. Mind you many of our so called Modern age Indians are not used to the same. The method is quite a simple one first the wash of the leaf, then the sprinkling of water round the leaf; to negate any dry dust and ants, the way serving is done and arranged in the leaf, with all fries, chutneys, Vadiyams, papads and many other items, its such a delight to see the platter. The way the main course is supposed to be mixed with rice, ghee, and podi (powders) to make it thick and spice it up will appadam, dry frys and pickles is something to cherish and art to perfect. Its such an delight, treat to go through all the rituals and routine for a typical meal.
Specific to different non Sub-Continent cultures and sub-Saharan cultures which developed their own dining Etiquette might have their own feeling of superiority when it comes down to usage of dinning tools. Just trying to compare things; some how I always felt that usage of knives and forks remind me of a battle arena of the Victorian era reminded the diner of the violent act of slaughter. The Chinese chop sticks somehow appear to have provided a polite alternative to knives. Chopsticks are serene instruments that permit diners to lift food to their lips rather than spearing it. They are elegant in both their simplicity and their singularity of purpose. But so far as I am concerned, going further feeding myself with hand appears a highly elevated affair. Something close to the supreme creator extended his hand to curtail our hunger and fill our desires. Its a soft and delicate process for me. And also the observation regarding eating being a sensual experience is right on. Cutlery doesn't provide the same intimacy with food that fingers provide. If one observes the way we eat, we are totally engrossed in eating.
The culinary process of eating evolves over the primary senses - Taste, Smell, Sight & Touch. The only way to feel and tickle all our senses to the maximum is to always include and maximise the sense of touch. Undeniably the hands have the maximum number of nerve endings, and the way the Indian dishes treat is tantalising and why miss it. I feel good about my food which smells good, looks wonderful while serving, feels wonderful to touch and finally the taste after it goes in. That my friend is a complete process.
More so I always felt very good when someone close offered to feed me with their hands. It was for me an ultimate combination of love, affection and care. At this age when my mom offers to feed me or to that matter any of my loved ones do it, it engrosses the mutual trust and faith . Its something everyone has grown up and needs to relieve at a later part of life too.
I have an aunt who always says "why eat rice with a fork when nature gave you one?!" and holds up her hands
Some stupidity from our own lot , an Indian guy says to some other guy who was eating sambar rice with a spoon: "God gave you fingers why don't you use them to eat", the other guy replied "God gave me fingers to hold a spoon and eat with it"At office cafeteria I have seen lots of people pick up fork to eat a Dosa !!!! I've seen even a dumbo use a spreader and fork to cut bread and thrust it in the mouth. I hated the way the items very savoured with such poor etiquette. Yikeess!!
Last week on a Lunch chatter came a topic on putting clips inside the tummy to stay lean. The topic just send jitters while I imagined to what extent people go to look good. A simple and a cost effective way is to sit down on the floor and eat. For this practice ensures that one bends forward to consume which automatically cuts down on the tummy volume. Such simple and natural methods should be taken in a good spirit rather than throwing them off as something cheap.
I would not know how to enjoy eating a roti with a knife and fork! It has to do with the whole eating experience. Some people just do not know how to eat with their hands. Others have trouble using a knife and fork correctly. Some fail to understand the correct eating Etiquette and what to choose and what not to. So for us all try to know, understand and practice the correct Indian Etiquette and don't let it become cheap by not perfecting this cultural art.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Who moved my heart ?
One reaching the vehicle I had a seat sandwitced between a Lady and another person all on their way to Hinjewadi IT Park area. As we adjusted to start the 6-Seater was filled with 4 ladies in front of me and 3 men (including me) on the opposite side. I believe one was from my Co, other two from Wipro and other Yellow coloured Salwar (unknown). Was already perspirating enough which was making me very uncomfortable with these women in front.
Ok the fun starts now, the UKN (referred as Unknown Lady) was very much like Renuka Kirpalani.

Saturday, May 31, 2008
Pune to Mumbai
The most amazing part of the expressway in addition to this being among the most ambitious of its kinds in India is the scenic ambiance of the western ghats that can be seen on the way. As we drive past Khamshet, Lonowale, Khandala, Khopoli a series of curves and bends of the ghat roads gradualy unfold. Yes these ghat roads are more tamed than the usual ghat roads I am used to, but never the less its still thrills to drive down the roads. The speed limits specified is 30km on these Ghat section but 70kmph is easily doable. The regular freeway speed limit is around 80kmph though 140kmph is easy.
Towards mid-night we started heading towards Panvel - Kalamboli section to drive towards Navi Mumbai. As we started entering Vashi, felt very uncomfortable and I sort of withdraw into the confines of the car as the excitement of the Ghat roads and the long drive instantly waned out. A few more minutes on the Thane road, Mulund then entered Powaii. Driving past the Hiranandani Gardens reached our place in Fiorello, Nahar Amrit Shakti, Powai. The city of hopes and aspirations keeps calling me at the most unusal of circumstances and situation. Looking for good time in Mumbai..
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero
1. Breaking
2. Matching up and breaking
Life would surely would have been different; but life is not always un sympathetic, it would have its own share of undoing things. I might have have a different forces to deal with; may be a personal drain of my own efforts to some extent. But see it from a different angle; hadn't I gone through this phase of life ; might be a 8 months of the dynamism; it would have paved way to a much bigger thought process and understanding which dawned on me later on.
I could understand
- the values and price of people;
- of whom to trust and whom not to;
- what looks from outside might not be the best one deserves;
- one might not always get what he always envisions
- Things are sometimes to be left in safety of the trusted few.
- Meaning and real value of love
- Needs of sustaining relationships
- Managing expectations and multitasking
- Fear, failure, narrow mindedness etc.
Thinking about the past makes me happy; thinking of recent past makes me sad, thinking about future which is uncertain, unnerves me; But I don't know clinging on to the bygone past and thinking and getting tensed un arrived future why one is torturing his present; making ones past, present and future and tragedy to live and tell. Telling and preaching is easy but listening, understanding, digesting and following mind you is an entirely a different league. Accept the realities of life and get going; this I believe should be the Sutra for life.
Must be wondering why the title "Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero" It's a Latino phrase and means " seize the day and trust as little as possible in the future" for there is a lot to make of this short paced life.
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Life at Pune - 15 day Report
I moved to Pune on 16th April on sunny and hot morning when Pune and the country per se was in a middle of a heat wave and mercury levels scorched beyond 40 degrees with ease. The first impression was "Man how did I end up in this Furnace" The place was fuming with little or no vegetation with hard rock boulders and dusty black soil clad by roads adding to the woos of the badly laid infra structure of a city which is growing at a rapid pace much too much for the comfort of the local infrastructure pace and pace. The place of my work is at Hinjewadi which is on the far north end of the city where if one has to take out a 5-year back map, this place would not even exist. The roads are yet to be laid and expanded fully, and the place is connected by small satellite villages(Aundh, Sus, Baner, Pashan etc...) on the way which are rapidlyto become part of Greater Pune.
Public transport is a big problem here. Bus service is ok types but the quality of the buses are pretty substandard by major South Indian cities standard. Auto ricks and taxi are a loot here; worse than the Autowalas of Chennai. They squeeze in the maximum moolah out of the unsuspecting passenger who falls an unnatural and unintended victim to his vims. If one has a non-maharatra registered vehicle then the public servants - police turn against the poor guy who just moved in to make the maximum in bribing.
Finding a house here is another big sober story; the place is run by a mafia of Real estate agents and brokers; who are there to make the maximum of the money and rents and cost of the residential facilities are being artificially pushed up alomost on a weekly basis.
Night life I felt is pretty much limited in myt part of the city atleast. Travelling in night is not advised in these remote pockets. Apart from this interstate travel has been another headache; bus agents charge amounts well beyond the rates of 2nd AC fares and sometimes more than 1st AC during weekends. People are genuinely denied tickets in state run transports like the APTDC or the APSRTC buses for a lack of margin they make on selling Private operators buses creating an artificial scarcity of seats. Bad the travellers like us are the most who suffer.
Yaa one thing I like is I get to eat an occasional Vada Pav or Dabelli on the roadside but yes sometimes I miss my Dosa, Idly with Proper Sambhar and chutney. Early days for me to comment for me as too many things running around and lot to stabilise and settle down. Looks like this yeart will also have its bit of action and dynamism.
For now I am accessing internet through a netcafe as I m not wired in at Pune so will take sometime to hook-in and have more of blogging. Have a few certifications to complete this week; and haven't touched the same for over a few months now. Anyways until then chao...