Yippee some majorly minor changes..
I moved to new place within the USA!! What's so great...Well this is my 4th residence in less than an year in the US. And am lovingly hating it for the reason that it hits my pocket big time and cripples career growth and social life. So thy word is " Philadelphia, PA to New London, CT to Wilmington, DE to Milwaukee, WI"
Second major change - I have not been playing Travian for 2 months - Great deal ?? Yes for a Travian addict whose lived and breath it for over 15 hours a day for 2 years thats possible a big relief for a few people round me.
Third - Finally my photographic journey as a hobby seems to be taking off slowly with time freed from Travian. Few can explored from the link above.
Fourth - Trying to improve active lifestyle by being more self focused and participate in sports and exercises - Outcome I (my team) won runner's up trophy for Volleyball. Yippee !!
Fifth - I get to buy a car. After almost 5 years of working and 1 year on site(in the USA) that by many onlookers standard is an achievement. Well who cares I bought my house before many others had it. :)
Sixth - I got a Facebook Account now!! Great ?? Well my socially networking has been severely diminished thanks to Travian, Hi-5 my first social network was burried alive long back. Orkut is now falling apart with Google step motherly treatment with launch of Google +. And a few friendly requests did help me to finally plunge in the FB way in Aug 2011.
Seventh - I jumped off the my Vertical at my company. Finally I got off the Life sciences vertical which I have been clinging on to without much happening in my career. New vertical is Retail, hope it brings in new avenues of success and faster career progression and "Retirement".
Lastly - I blogged almost an year after my last post..So this is good...
Yes, this is my personal blog / journal where I circumvent my inner feelings from within which I went to let out to an unknown and unavailable friend. Needless content is impulsive, and reflective of my mood swings, completely uncensored. Also included are interesting collectibles which I found interesting to collate for future reference.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Tubofire - Intense Cardioworkouts

This summer I felt a need to get my body back to recondition. The relocation and eating all the Ready-to-eat high oil, sodium food did impact my health for the bad. Lots of sleeplessness, lack of focus, stamina, seemingly unmotivated lifestyle coupled with pre-hypertension indication with rising Blood pressure levels. I was shocked when I saw the BP meter turn up with 136 - 84 in the walmart.
So that's where I went to my old Manthena's Raw food regime. Being in the USA and now in this particular place am really starved of quality tummy filling lunch, that's where I went Raw food as a first step.
Second I started to fast every Saturday with just Water, honey and lemon. Occasionally Prasadam from temple breaks my fast in the evening.
Thirdly I continued my focus on fluid consumption and started adding vegetable juice(V8) for morning and any non-sugar based fruit juice in the evening. I am mixing some Whey Protein in the morning shake with some lemon and honey for extra energy as well.
Fourth was to include sprouts, dates, lettuce for breakfast; lettuce, boiled egg, sweet corn, carrots with occasional pizza for lunch followed by 200-300gm of soaked dry fuits(Cashews, Almonds, Walnuts, Pista, Apricots and Figs) and fruits as usually before 7pm
Fifth - I started with a 15min jog/run in the park followed by 20min of Pranayama and 40 minutes essential yoga as suggested by Manthena.
After this schedule for a month, I felt I can go up a level. That's where I started looking out for more intense and disciplined workout. That's where I got into Turbofire. It had taken me a few weeks to get started with getting the kit and a mibook for viewing the videos while working out in the park for workouts which would shake the floor below my feet.
My first impression...after a week
They are really intense and well choreographed and am still struggling at times with the moves and calls.
The Camera movements sometimes pan out during the transitions of moves which pains me a lot as I miss the next move.
The first week am left with sore back, sore lat, sore shoulders and knees the left runners knees has worsened because of all the leg kicks and twists around the knee(supposed to be toe).
The disclaimer for all new adopters is " People with lower back pains, Sciatic nerve pains keep out" Lower back pains will intensify given the fact that lots of routine and stretches have forward curls or crunches which involved arching the back forward which is absolutely to be avoided for such people. I suggest relax when any move asks for crunching /arching the back backward. It will only aggravate an already bad case of hunched and sore lower back. My suggestion get back to 40min of Yoga poses especially the ones by Manthena targeting the back/lower back and neck pain, before even touching Turbofire's full range of crunch routines.
Having said that Turbofire does borrow a whole lot of Yoga poses and Suryanamaskaras in their Stretch 40 routines.
Lastly Turbofire and its supporters are bent upon on supporting Shakeology shake powder which is a 120$ worth product exclusively sold by beachbody who also franchise Turbofire. They have done very well marketing this wonder product and being sold through Multi-level marketing mode (aka Amway mode) through consumer/seller franchises called Coaches. My suggestion to stick to as much as natural foods as possible and be as low on the supplements as possible.
Turbofire's diet and exercises routine are amazing but has to be taken with extreme caution by people with lower back pains, knee problems, shoulder problems. Prevent aggravation of any current situation and evaluate and understand the body response to the routines before committing further time and risking a bigger injury.
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