It's been sometime that I had blogged on movies I was watching/ rather there weren't enough bloggable movie content to motivate me. Yes after the Oscars show I have a couple to final break loose my silence.

Story is a slow-moving long one which unfolds in a death bed in New Orelans hospital in the back drop of Hurricane Katrina, with the Daisy asking her daughter to read the story in a diary which happens to be an unusual one about daughters biological father.
It talks about Benjamin who was deserted and subsequently brought up by black foster parents working as care takers at old age home. The boy was taken to be a monster and deserted by his father owing to his demise of his wife during pregnancy and primarily due to Gerontological conditions. Subsequently the boy survives his condition to grow younger and reversing his condition to die as a baby. The role has been intelligently and amazingly crafted plots and situation to add reality to a rather unrealistic subject. The backdrop of wars, depressions, Cyclone Katrina, Balle has been used as intelligent props throughout the story. An inherent love story brews with Benjamin and his childhood friend fall madly and deeply in love when there ages coincide around 40 years. Emotions of seeing one age while other grew younger was touchy, and finally when Benjamin dies as a baby in old Granny-like ladies hands who in reality should have been wife and husband longed for the pain one had to endure through at those crucial age. But ahem this is outcastly unreal who cares about this, its not even close to real life was what I felt and stop being emotional at the end.
It received 13 nominations and is the only Best Picture finalist this year to have earned more than $100 million in US. It won three Oscars for Art Direction, Makeup, and Visual Effects, and incidentally has tied the record for the most nominated film not to win the Academy Award for Best Picture.
As the Oscars speaks BENJAMIN’s script or even the fine acting aren’t its most impressive accomplishment; the technology–both CGI and makeup–used to make Benjamin and Daisy age are remarkable, and makes the film entirely believable, not undermining performances from both Pitt and Blanchett.
Slumdog Millionaire

The entire movie was made in a budget of just over 75 crores which is a very small amount considering its international status, but made good returns during its later run. The movie flunked in India and faced lots of criticism from likes of Arinidham Choudary and Amitabh Bachan. Even my Gal had very serious reservations against the movie, even I agree to it to some extent. The poorly did show India in a bad light, and on the purpose front I felt was wrong. During these economical turmoil it showed that the Western countries are much better off than the state of affairs in the World's largest democracy. The movie offered a lot of solace to countries like USA and UK which huge debt-driven infact the largest indebted economy and people in the world are not Africans or Asians or Indians but the Americans.
I was a bit hurt when the places like the pride of India the Taj Mahal was showcased and which showed how tourist were misguided throuout and looted. It does throw a very bad impression of the professional Guides working there in Taj Mahal and tourist who trot to India in search of the Global Symbol of Love and a gateway to India. They would definitely think twice while offering a dime to those children on the roads. It has both the good and bad sides though.
Touchy were parts on exploitation of children by gangsters, mobs, Sex-industry, the drugs, the underworld; It shows that no place is void of evils of this era, be it culturally strong nation like India or China or highly civilised or a developed nation like an USA. Evils of the mankind hunt and haunt young and old, male and female alike. I feel sad when I see people falling in for such evils be it out of necessity or be it out of opportunism. I always hope that there would be days in future where people could make choices and always make a correct and a better choice.
I somehow believed there were lots of other movies and documentaries which showcased the slums and penance of our country but this failed to showcase how life thrives, survives in this hardest of hardest environments. It also fails to address the spirit of Indian culture or Spirit of Mumbaikar who against all odds learns to survive and live a decent life. Its not always illegal and anti-social modes that people end-up in but hard workers over shadow those opportunists. A message should have been sounded aloud making a attempt to bring people and lifes to the mainstream course of moral and spiritually ideal well being and happiness. Would have definitely liked to have this in this movies core message.
From the Oscars front it had a conversion rate of over 90% with winning 8 awards from 9 categories it got nominated for. It missed out on sound mixing which was bagged by the much deserving movie The Dark Knight. Ideally I wouldn't have wanted this movie to be the best movie for the year 2008, yes Danny deserved credit for digging out Gold and making millions and billions out of the Indian theme. If it wasn't for Danny and British production community we wouldn't have got this amount of recognition and laurels for our immensely but sadly under recognised movie making fraternity of technicians and behind the scenes artisans. One might have failed to recognise that the Taj Mahal shown here in the movie was a set which was erected by our own Indians with lots of detail to enable a close-up shots. The set was erected near Pune. Also Kudos to Oscar winners Resul Pookooty and AR Rehman. I believe though Rehman wasn't at his best compared to Swades, Roja or a Vandemataram in this movie he deserved an oscar for what he was and the talent he posses. I hope he wins a life time achievement award at Oscars and Grammy's for his contributions to the music community.
So the Button man from New Orleans had the one tough one to beat in this years Oscars; hadn't the kid from Mumbai shown up and seized moviegoers' hearts it was surely up there and yes this managed a Golden Globe though. This proves that movies which are unreal have little chance against movies which are surreally close, touchy and inspiring. Like politics, aren't always predictable. Benjamin B. is Hillary to Slumdog's Obama.
So much for the Oscar fever the other movie I wanted to talk about is Kodi RamaKrishna's movie Arundhati. This movie staring Anushka Shetty and Sonu Sood with Sayaji Shinde and
Manorama in the supporting cast had been raking up a lot of interest back home in the Tollywood. Incidentally I too fell victim to it that I watched it on the first day of the release during my Sankranti Vacation. I was waiting eagerly to watch this movie as it got postponed twice in the week. I watched the Second show with my Gal, and yes it gave enough goosebumps while driving back past the Muslim crematory near RaniGunj to Marriott route of Secunderabad. My Gal couldn't sleep alone and kepy squealing every now and then for next 15 days after watching the much anticipated movie. Well this was the first movie we as a couple watched for the the first time and guess it was a right choice. All through the screen my lady was on my shoulder grasping every inch of my long hand.

The effects were amazing by out standards, but looked very much like CGI and wires frames animation. While the plots were seemingly adopted from Final Destination, The excorcist, Gothika to name a few, there was a bit of resemblance to a few other cult movies of Kodi Ramakrishna's movies. I felt Anoushka could have been a bit better on the dances as I felt she struggled in that. Anyways it was her first character based and role-heavy performance kudos to her too. Shinde and Sonu Sood outlived their roles and gave a spectacular performance. The movie pace I felt was too fast and plots should have been better plotted. The movie wrapped up even before one could realise what hit them. A nice attempt by the crew; though a sad one in terms of getting the women audience to start believing in all the black magic and superstition in this seemingly progressive times.
I still smile when I see my gal shivering when I say to her "Bomallee ninuu Vadalaa!!!"