Yes, this is my personal blog / journal where I circumvent my inner feelings from within which I went to let out to an unknown and unavailable friend. Needless content is impulsive, and reflective of my mood swings, completely uncensored. Also included are interesting collectibles which I found interesting to collate for future reference.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Oscillatory effect of Life
Yes it took me a while to realise this, and in coherence I also came to realise a few more things like the Oscillatory effect or ripple effect of emotions, feelings one possesses. Each one of us in our daily lives were atleast at some point of time cautioned to be moderated about life and circumstances, for no one turns when a situation which is in a very smooth flow, would take a u-turn to hit one very badly at the least expected of situations. The things like love, friendship, success, fame, prestige everything from positive to negatives like constant failure, health, misery etc.
From mt personal experience I would try to take out an example of love. I know of people and that includes me having been in deep love, where nothing in the world ever felt more important than spending, sharing every moment of time with that right person. One would invest time, emotions and heart in such a relation, things seem perfectly well even though the world round you is severely impaired against the relation but you care not. For such is the strength of love; But suddenly things take a u-turn the same person you got to trust for years, the same person you put faith stops responding and becomes yours most dreaded enemy. Situation is worse the person whom you trust, the person who probably knows more about me than myself is probably pitted against me. Its the worst of all adversary one could ever experience in life, for the onslaught to follow is relentless and bloody.
Another instances we kind of tend to attract all the negative energies/attitude which we force out or think out about others or curse them. Its like a swing or a Boomerang which you throw at some one else which comes and hits you back at a later period. What goes around comes around type. So sincerely feel that bad things are never to be hurled at others for it brings so much of negative energy which builds that once it erupts it will hit us properly in a negative intent,
Here is small classical example of a Oscillatory effect of life, which in an instance undoes everything what one came to believe and trust in life. Like a pendulum swinging continuously, the more momentum it gathers, the greater the extreme it reaches, once it reaches the extreme where the pendulum is unable to sustain the momentum, the pendulum arm gives up the progressive motion and starts a free fall reaching the midpoint to again rise with the adapted momentum, to repeat the process. The clock ticks and life goes on, but the caution everyone needs to take from such a simple observation is one should not get struck to what has happened for things will turn around; but how soon or late is upto oneself to decide the same. The sooner the person realises that things are temporary and will settle down, the faster the recovery and faster the chance of success, for a person always need to accept, adapt and keep growing from his experiences and leanings and that's the way life progresses. Gautam Buddha in his teachings asks us practice moderation, to be content with whatever we have and never keep complaining. Basically what he is trying to drive is to contain ones desires and expectations so as not to be just swinging and oscillating with the Pendulum of life.
Another example from my economic classes is of "Law of Diminishing Utility" As supply of a particular in demand product is kept increasing after reaching the limit, the additional supply would start taking a toll interm of cutting down the satisfaction levels.
With numerous examples from real life to theories, to religion, its for each and every person to open up the eyes and start watching things around us with a different and selfless perspective. For wisdom is always driven from simple things of life, where the pages are written from things which unfold before us. And for people who are on a low, wait for the swing to take you back to other extreme and as time progresses one should aim for moderation and self content to attain happiness and fulfillment from life.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Espresso, Latte and Cappuccino Whats your flavour today

Cappuccino: Espresso with some milk and a lot of milk foam, sometimes with cinnamon or cocoa powder sprinkled on top
Latte: Espresso with a lot of milk in it
Mocha: Latte with chocolate and (often) whipped cream on top
Americano: Espresso shot with enough hot water to fill the cup
Macchiato: Espresso shot with a small amount of frothed milk
Cappuccino –
16 oz – 15 grams carb, 100-180 calories (more for half and half)
Latte –
16 oz – 21 grams carb, 160-260 calories
Mocha –
16 oz - 33-42 grams carb, 210-433 calories
Friday, June 13, 2008
Indian Food Etiquette
Tied Fig leaves, lotus or a complete banana leaves are all part of a traditional set of serving. Yeah all these are bio-degradable alternatives compared to today's aluminium, paper, thermochol disposables. Eating the various condiments like sambhar, rasam, dal with Veggie fries while being served in leaves, sitting on the floor and consuming without spilling and without slurping is challenge in itself for many who are new to this way and which people like me are proud to have accomplished this feat. Mind you many of our so called Modern age Indians are not used to the same. The method is quite a simple one first the wash of the leaf, then the sprinkling of water round the leaf; to negate any dry dust and ants, the way serving is done and arranged in the leaf, with all fries, chutneys, Vadiyams, papads and many other items, its such a delight to see the platter. The way the main course is supposed to be mixed with rice, ghee, and podi (powders) to make it thick and spice it up will appadam, dry frys and pickles is something to cherish and art to perfect. Its such an delight, treat to go through all the rituals and routine for a typical meal.
Specific to different non Sub-Continent cultures and sub-Saharan cultures which developed their own dining Etiquette might have their own feeling of superiority when it comes down to usage of dinning tools. Just trying to compare things; some how I always felt that usage of knives and forks remind me of a battle arena of the Victorian era reminded the diner of the violent act of slaughter. The Chinese chop sticks somehow appear to have provided a polite alternative to knives. Chopsticks are serene instruments that permit diners to lift food to their lips rather than spearing it. They are elegant in both their simplicity and their singularity of purpose. But so far as I am concerned, going further feeding myself with hand appears a highly elevated affair. Something close to the supreme creator extended his hand to curtail our hunger and fill our desires. Its a soft and delicate process for me. And also the observation regarding eating being a sensual experience is right on. Cutlery doesn't provide the same intimacy with food that fingers provide. If one observes the way we eat, we are totally engrossed in eating.
The culinary process of eating evolves over the primary senses - Taste, Smell, Sight & Touch. The only way to feel and tickle all our senses to the maximum is to always include and maximise the sense of touch. Undeniably the hands have the maximum number of nerve endings, and the way the Indian dishes treat is tantalising and why miss it. I feel good about my food which smells good, looks wonderful while serving, feels wonderful to touch and finally the taste after it goes in. That my friend is a complete process.
More so I always felt very good when someone close offered to feed me with their hands. It was for me an ultimate combination of love, affection and care. At this age when my mom offers to feed me or to that matter any of my loved ones do it, it engrosses the mutual trust and faith . Its something everyone has grown up and needs to relieve at a later part of life too.
I have an aunt who always says "why eat rice with a fork when nature gave you one?!" and holds up her hands
Some stupidity from our own lot , an Indian guy says to some other guy who was eating sambar rice with a spoon: "God gave you fingers why don't you use them to eat", the other guy replied "God gave me fingers to hold a spoon and eat with it"At office cafeteria I have seen lots of people pick up fork to eat a Dosa !!!! I've seen even a dumbo use a spreader and fork to cut bread and thrust it in the mouth. I hated the way the items very savoured with such poor etiquette. Yikeess!!
Last week on a Lunch chatter came a topic on putting clips inside the tummy to stay lean. The topic just send jitters while I imagined to what extent people go to look good. A simple and a cost effective way is to sit down on the floor and eat. For this practice ensures that one bends forward to consume which automatically cuts down on the tummy volume. Such simple and natural methods should be taken in a good spirit rather than throwing them off as something cheap.
I would not know how to enjoy eating a roti with a knife and fork! It has to do with the whole eating experience. Some people just do not know how to eat with their hands. Others have trouble using a knife and fork correctly. Some fail to understand the correct eating Etiquette and what to choose and what not to. So for us all try to know, understand and practice the correct Indian Etiquette and don't let it become cheap by not perfecting this cultural art.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Who moved my heart ?
One reaching the vehicle I had a seat sandwitced between a Lady and another person all on their way to Hinjewadi IT Park area. As we adjusted to start the 6-Seater was filled with 4 ladies in front of me and 3 men (including me) on the opposite side. I believe one was from my Co, other two from Wipro and other Yellow coloured Salwar (unknown). Was already perspirating enough which was making me very uncomfortable with these women in front.
Ok the fun starts now, the UKN (referred as Unknown Lady) was very much like Renuka Kirpalani.